We Will be Opening from April 12th.... Preparing for your Holiday...

It is with relief and apprehension we will be welcoming our lovely guests back again on April 12th. With everything that has happened during this pandemic our guests safety is paramount and we are looking forward to a day when Covid will be a dim and distant memory. Until then we will continue to follow all government guidance stringently.

We know that holiday time is precious - goodness knows we all need one right now, and that's why we want to make it as safe and hassle free as possible so here's a list of things we've thought of that you may want to consider before travelling, whilst you stay, and before you leave to go home - 

Are you and the rest of your party fit to travel?

Please visit www.gov.uk/coronavirus to review the latest government information regarding Covid-19. If you or any of your party develop or have any symptoms of Covid-19 within 14 days of your holiday or receive a track and trace alert you must inform us straight away or at least 48 hours before you go. Please also inform us if this occurs within the last 48 hours before departing for your holiday. You will need to check your travel insurance regarding their cancellation guidelines.

Your Car

Chances are like a lot of us your car has been sat on your driveway for longer than normal over the past months. A full check of tyres, water, oil etc. would be advisable before setting off on any long journeys. If may be worth also looking at roadside assistance just in case.

New 'Essentials' to Consider Bringing...

Some of these items I consider 'no brainers' others may be a 'oh that's a good idea' considerations.There are a few items that in the past wouldn’t have made your holiday essentials list, but it would be wise for you to consider them when packing the usual holiday stuff:

  • Face masks - useful if you are visiting any popular tourist attractions, where the volume of people might make it difficult to social distance. Fabric masks should be washed each day so you may need to think about packing a few if you are planning regular days out.
  • Disposable gloves - if you need to top the car up with fuel or use an electric vehicle charger en-route.
  • Hand sanitiser - for when out and about, where it may not be possible to wash your hands. Hand sanitiser is provided at the cottage.
  • Handwash - again this is provided at the cottage but you may want to pack extra to take out & about.
  • Disinfectant wipes
  • First aid kit - including Paracetamol and a thermometer.
  • Picnic blanket
  • Wind break or markers - if you are concerned about social distancing at the beach or in the park, then a wind break or similar may help guide small children to a ‘safe’ zone.
  • Tickets / advance bookings - if you are planning to visit a local attraction, you may need to book in advance while entrance numbers are reduced, to allow social distancing. Please check before you leave and if possible book your slot in advance.
  • Pillows and pillow cases - you may want to consider bringing your own pillow and pillowcases - these will still be provided but you may prefer to use your own
  • Food - All major supermarkets do deliver so you may wish to book a slot for when you arrive rather than braving the crowds of a supermarket. We do have a small range of local shops for the basics and farm shops etc which are not far away, but nothing 'large scale'.
  • Pets - we are a dog friendly property, please remember to bring the bed, blankets and drying towels as well as food for your pooch - water bowls are provided. No dogs are allowed upstairs or on the furniture

During Your Stay

If you, or any of your party become ill or display any symptoms of Covid-19 or receive a track and trace alert while you are at the property, you should call us straight away to let us know.

The dishwasher
Where practical and possible use the dishwasher on an appropriate temperature setting.

Waste and bins
Ensure all rubbish and waste is disposed of properly in secured bags and left in the outside bins as requested in the guest folder.

Returning to the property after a day out
Wash your hands for 20 seconds – every time you come back to the property.

You are not permitted to invite additional guests back to the property.

 Before You Travel Home

Please ensure that the property is left in the same condition that you found it.

Please remove all food from the cupboards and fridge before you leave - we do mean everything!

Please ensure all dishes are washed and put away. If possible put the dishwasher (where appropriate) on the night before and empty.

On the day of departure, please take all linen from the beds, including sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers and mattress protectors. Please leave all linen and towels in a pile in the bath.

Return keys to the key safe.

Phew! Well I think that is everything!

We hope you enjoy your holiday. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.



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