A Distant Welcome...

It has been a privilege to welcome key workers to the cottage during these strange times and I'm thankful I have been able to help in some small way. Now, as I start to look to the future I've been thinking about how I can best serve my guests once I get the green light to re open. I don't know when that will be, but rest assured I will be prepared! Any bookings from here on in will have a three day 'lay over' in between. Leaving 72 hours between bookings allows for double cleaning, which I will be implementing as standard practice for the foreseeable future. All cleaning clothes, etc will be biodegradable and single use only. The guest folder will be sent as a PDF a week in advance to all guests and will no longer be available in the cottage. Sadly attraction leaflets will also have to be removed for the time being but I will be putting together a list of attractions which I can send through on email. These are all measures to 'reduce risk'. It is good to know that recommendations such as washing bedding at over 60 degrees and leaving cleaning products out for guests has always been standard practice at Higher Primrose Cottage. Guests safety has and will continue to be our priority. Please bear with us as we try to navigate our way through this and we hope to welcome you to our beautiful cottage sometime in the (not too distant) future.

Stay safe and stay well



Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash


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